First Week of new Season 2 Rules

The BCL SCQ Season 2 ruleset was released on last weekend. Before the first leagues starting later on in Feb the rules are in test mode and before the first league start we will publish the 1.0 version. Until then we might adjust the rules based on community feedback or common sense.

After the first week a few minor changes has been implemented

  • Dynamite is banned on T5
  • AT Mine is banned on T5
  • Fine tuned penalties Rooftop violation (on Marita) -25 tickets per kill
  • Fine tuned penalties Fortification violation (on Operation Underground) Forfeit

The dynamite and AT-mine on T5 makes sense since these should primarily be anti vehicle assets. In T5 all vehicles are banned, so no need to harass infantry with explosives traps. The penalties for rooftops and fortifications were just missing from the rules.

If you have feedback or suggestions regarding the rules you can always comment the rules on BCL Discord Server. We will consider all legit suggestions and raise that as a topic in the scq-council.

Decider Map is rotating

We are testing this season a rotating decider map system. Each week we randomly pick one map from the map pool as the decider. This map is published on BCL Discord server on the #announcements channel. The weekly map can also be found from this BCL News site from the + link on the upper right corner of this site.

Currently selected decider map


Ladders are running

The BCL Ladder matches has been going on for a while now. It looks like the most active ladder is the EU PS4 T5 with 8 teams attending. LaW seems to be the most active team challenging teams left and right. They have played already two matches – won both – and even thou they are already on #1 position they are challenging other teams. RuN seems to be next in line for LaW

Other ladders in EU and NA are still waiting for more teams to attend.

Please remember that in BCL teams have to have 3 ladder games done for eligibility to attend the League. The league positioning is used for divisions too if there are enough teams to have separate division. Playing ladder matches for positions is also fun 😉

Leagues starting on Feb

In BCL we have separate leagues different platforms (PS4/XB1/PC) and geographical entities (EU/NA).

T8 SCQ begins 28th February.
T5 SCQ begins 29th February.

The suggested weekday for T8 is Fri and T5 Sat. It’s the suggested day. Teams can always agree another day if the suggested one is difficult to arrange.

From the Rules

Each match is scheduled for suggested date & time. Match can be played on scheduled time or teams can agree a different time. The match can be played early or maximum seven days after the suggested time. Contact between leaders in all league fixtures must be made a minimum of 48 hour prior to time of fixture. This must be via BCL website match chat to ensure messages are monitored for fairness and clarity.

We will only start the leagues with enough registered teams. A leader can register for league on BCL website League pages. Just select “League” and your platform to see open leagues. The team in the league must have minimum of 3 ladder matches to be eligible to attend.  We can start other leagues as we get teams registered on later times.

If you don’t see enough teams in your ladder/league please feel free to promote the league to other teams to get the league going.