Tweaking the ticket count and server guidance

Another week of BF2042 Conquest. More games and more feedback. The more we are getting experience the more we get ideas how to improve. It’s still early stages and we don’t want to change the rules too much before we have a proper vote.

The rules are reaching the point where they could be put to a real test. We will soon announce a test cup. All the attending team get a vote in future council. The council members are casting their votes for the final rules.

Minor ticket tweak

Las week we lowered the ticket count 560 to 300. It was a major improvement on the gameplay and it changed the game phase substantially. Full 6 rounds of conquest was concluded in about an hour. While it was an improvement it also made one round a bit too short. One slip up in the start spawn and the whole round was done. 300 tickets was perhaps just a little too few. We have decided to tweak the ticket count to 350 to make rounds less brutal.

Targeting 350 tickets

With the new ticket count of 350 it give a team a change to come back even if there is a brief moment of full cap in early stages if the round. The new theoretical round times are

Flags controlled 1 2 3 4
Time to deplete all tickets 0:28:20 0:12:55 0:07:13 0:03:58

To be hones, the ticket count in Portal is not exact number of ticket. One can adjust the ticket count, but not in number of tickets but rather a percentage of original ticket count. By setting the ticket count to 50% it will be on standard map with 700 ticket 350. But for example Noshahr Canals have more ticket to start with so there will be more than 350 tickets in adjusted server.

How the ticket bleed works in BF2042

Ticket bleed means the automatic reduction of the tickets from the team controlling less flags. In every Battlefield the ticket bleed works a bit differently. In Battlefield 2042 the ticket bleed is not happening at all if both team control the same amount of tickets. When a team gains a flag majority the opposing team start to loose tickets every 5 seconds. The number of lost tickets depends on the number of flags the team with flag majority controls.

The total number of flags on the Caspian Border is 5. In the BCL comp setting, 2 of those are “home sector flags” that are capped in the beginning of the round. When the round starts and both teams have captured their home sector they both control 1 flag and there is no ticket bleed. Once one team captures a second flag and the opposing team still have only 1 flag the team with 2 flags will start bleeding 2 tickets every 5 seconds from their opponent. Once the captures are balanced – both teams controls 2 flags the bleed stops.

The final flag, the 5th flag mastery will determine who starts bleeding. Once a team captures the 5th flag making the capture total to 3, their opponent starts to bleed 3 tickets every 5 seconds. If they manage to get a “full cap” capping all 3 open flags + their home flag the bleed would be 4 tickets every 5 seconds.

In addition to the bleed every kill reduces the opponents tickets by 1 capping capping a flag from the enemy instantly removes 10 tickets from the opponent!

Server settings guide

There has been some questions regarding the server setup and arranging teams on the server. To simplify the process and make the game start more fluent we have made a short introductory video about the server start process. Most of you probably already know the drill, but there are always newcomers who would need some guidance.

Test League

We are planning to have a test league soon™  We have not decided the specifics yet, but we are targeting a short league for teams to get familiar with the game mode and get more experience on the rules. We will announce shortly how it will be concluded.


Adjusting the Conquest Experience

Thank you community for actively testing the T8 Conquest setup. We have received lots of valuable feedback and teams really seem to like the Conquest setup!

We are trying to keep the rule changes at minimum to keep the experience consistent to all teams. We are gathering all the feedback and concerns for a community vote taking place later on. After the vote there will be the 1.0 version of the rules and we can start our first BCL leagues in BF 2042.

Changes for the T8 Conquest setup

After some testing and feedback from the teams we need to change some aspects of the rules to make the gameplay more fluent. The rules has been updated accordingly.


As we are experimenting with the Portal we are learning how to take control of different factors in the game. Key factor in round time is the number of tickets. Several teams have indicated that the Flag capping is quite slow and the ticket count is too high – rounds are taking too long. Flag capture is something we can’t control, but the ticket count is adjustable.

Optimal setup would be if a full match of 6 rounds would be done in about an hour. We are far from that at the moment and it looks like one round takes about 20 – 25 minutes and adding to that some hassle with the teams joining or server crashing (yes that surprisingly happens too ;)) a full match can take several hours.

In the initial setup the ticket count was 560. We would need to half the time spent on one round that means that about half of the tickets would be sufficient. We are changing the ticket count to 300 for time being. I believe it makes the rounds more fast paced and those full caps so much more pailful. With this change we are aiming to reach around 10-15 minute rounds, what would be quite optimal!

WE have estimated the time to deplete all 300 tickets with different number of flags in your teams advantage (the number of flags your team has more than your opponent). 4 flag advantage would mean your opponent did’t capture even their home sector – it would be fast-track to looser town.

Flag Advantage 1 2 3 4
Time to deplete all tickets 0:24:10 0:10:50 0:05:50 0:02:55

These are just theoretical estimates and in real games these times will be something completely different, but in theory the round times are more tolerable. Of course even round can still take considerable amount of time.


Specialists are at the same time valuable assets and headache for competitive gameplay. We have received several suggestions of how the specialist count limitations could/should be. There is no one right answer and the specialist count will be a topic in the community vote.

Many of the specialists have in addition to their gadget an ability that is always on – like the Casper’s near by enemy indicator. This tends to push players to pick a specialist with special abilities.

To avoid any one specialist type dominating the battlefield we would like to test a setup with some further limitations. Previously the rules were limiting only the specialist with a special gadget.

At the moment there are 10 specialists available. 2 of them were banned in BCL rules for their armour capabilities (Angel & Irish). It leaves 8 specialists available – that happens to be exactly the same number we have playing for a team. To even up the battlefield and simplify the rules we are testing limiting to 1 of each specialist. This means that the team is always presenting all the specialists available.

The Portal cannot limit the total number of any specialist in the team, but it can limit the number per squad and that will be limited to 1, but still it is team’s responsibility to see that no specialist is used by more than one team member.


There is a meta already in the game. Some players has asked for banning some weapons, but at this point we are not banning any additional weapons. The weapon banning is going to be a topic in the rules vote later on. At the moment the weapons under investigation are:

  • AC42
  • MP9
  • K30
  • PKP-PB


We understand the maps are not optimal for competitive gameplay. Especially the original BF 2042 map Renewal is quite a challenge. All three maps in the current map pool are more or less unbalanced, that’s the reason it’s important to play the maps from both sides. We can always hope there would be a smaller game mode like Domination in the Portal in the future….

With the current state of the game this is the best we can achieve.  The current map pool is decided after studying the available maps and considering where we could have the most balanced experience based on a few factors

  • Clearly separated areas for home sector
  • Three flags for fighting relatively near to each other
  • Distance from the home sector to the open flags should be tolerable

If you have an idea for a great map to be added to the pool please voice out and we’ll take a look.

Starting the match

We have tested different ways to arrange teams into server. It looks like the server is always filling new players to the side with less players in it. If both sides has the same number of payers next player (or party) will go the the opposite side of the last player joined. With this in mind we have some idea how the server starting is most effective.

At the moment the best practice to arrange both teams to right sides on the server:

  1. Both teams creates two parties of four into the game.
  2. The leader of a party in the team responsible creating the server creates the server with the code aan4g2, at that point the whole party is set to US side of the server. Please create an unique name i.e “BCL T8 [Your team tag] vs. [opposing team tag]”
  3. The team who created the server informs their opponent that they can join with one party of four. The opponent party will go to RU side
  4. The team who created the server can join with the other party of four ending up in the US side – the whole team is on the server
  5. The team who created the server inform their opponent that the second party of four can join and they will fill the RU side.

This is the most effective way to fill the server.

Some important pointers:

  • The team creating the server is always on US side and to make it possible to play maps from both sides both teams need to be responsible of creating the server once. Create the server, play all three maps and ask your opponent to create a new server where your team will join to play the RU side of all three maps.
  • When searching the server your opponent has created
    • Ask for the exact name to search for
    • Make sure all team members has the Cross Play on
    • Remember to set the “Password ON” in the search
  • When you find the server check the “Hosted By:” field under the server name. There is a bug in the search where the search sometimes shows wrong server with the searched name – make sure the “Hosted by:” is the player in opponents team who created the server” or you will end up in a wrong game!


BF2042 Conquest Rules Beta

Community, it’s time to play the mother of all Battlefield game modes – Conquest – competitively again!

I have drafted the first version of the BCL BF2042 Conquest Rules. The rules are still in Beta phase and under construction – so there will most certainly be some changes before the rules reach their final form. Feedback and ideas are warmly welcome. Join the conversion on BCL Discord channel #bf2042-conquest-rules

Team Size Matters

The process of creating competitive rules on BF2042 that is not designed for competitive gaming is challenging. Competitive gaming is often played with small teams on a small arena, what it practically the opposite of the default large scale design in BF2042. Huge maps creates many challenges on small scale comp playing.

BF2042 is better in large scale gaming and it would probably be easier to create a game mode with 12 or 15 players per team. But we wanted to take up the challenge and come up with a low player count inf only game mode. Initial thought was 6v6  – but after testing that in action it turned out that maps are far too big for 12 players and there was too little action and fight on flags. The current setup is for 8v8 and that would also need some additional testing.

Little Trouble on Big Maps

BF2042 has been proud of it’s large scale battles and the huge maps with 128 players. Luckily the Portal provides also smaller versions of the big maps, the Conquest Small maps designed for 64 player fights.

Playing the map with smaller player count than it was designed for is challenging. Players are scattered around the big map and fighting for an objective is a rarity. Most of the match is just running from flag to flag without any proper gunfight.

After carefully studying the available Conquest Small maps we noticed there are a few maps where it would be possible to limit the active play area by dedicating a sector for both teams as “home sector” what the opposing team is not allowed to cap. By capturing the home sector team establishes a new base to spawn into closer to the active playing area. It also limits the number of active flags concentrating the fighting with small teams into smaller area.

Unfortunately not all maps are suitable for this kind if area limitation. In the firs phase we have only 3 maps available. None of the maps are perfect and they certainly are not balanced evenly for both sides, therefore all maps should be played from bot sides to give both teams same benefits and disadvantages they have. So each of the maps should be played twice – both teams playing the US and RU sides.

One of the caveats of the Portal is that it doesn’t switch sides. The team creating the server is always playing the US side. To make it possible to play from both sides, both teams need to create the server. Firs team 1 creates the server and teams play all three maps. Then the team 2 creates the server and the same maps are played from different sides.


To make it fair as possible for the teams the scoring is based on “point per map”. The tickets both teams gain on playing the map from both sides are summed up and the team with more tickets on a map wins the map and scores a point for that map. The team with more points after six rounds (3 maps played twice) is the winner of the match.

If both teams win one map and the third map is a draw the total ticket count of all three maps decides the winner of the game.

[ultimate-faqs include_category=’bf2042-8v8-conquest-rules’ ]

BF2042 Competitive Conquest

Conquest game mode is Battlefield at its best. We want to bring this classic game mode back to the competitive community. It’s not as straightforward as one might think! We need to tweak some things and adjust additional rules to create a fluent gaming experience for smaller competitive matches.


Portal as a concept is excellent addition to the franchise. It gives great new tools for event organisers to create competitive game modes. Disabling assets from the server side creates excellent base for competitive gaming.

Unfortunately there are still several things Portal is lacking. Largest caveats from competitive point of view are

  • Lack of proper admin features when a server is up
    • Can’t move players
    • Can’t switch sides
  • No Spectatror mode (for live casting)
  • On the Map rotation RU & US sides are fixedon server is fixed – Teams are always playing the same side of the map – unless the opposing team starts the server
  • Can’t limit the specialist count per side
  • Joining a server as a larger team is tricky (a squad of 4 can join)


The maps of BF2042 are huge. In portal you can use Conquest Small maps, but they are still big as they are designed for 64 players and the distances between the capture points are quite remarkable.

To keep the action going with lower player counts we would need to limit the number of flags the teams are fighting for. On some maps it would be possible to set a “home sector” for both teams. The home sector would be a dedicated sector for a team to capture in the beginning of the round.

For example, in Caspian Border the US team’s home sector could be the A sector (with only one flag A1). The opposing team is not allowed to capture this home sector that is acting as the base for the US team.

This way the fight would be concentrated in relatively small area around the three open flags.



Walking away from the good old classes is a huge change from any previous Battlefield game. While many of the new specialists are fun and innovative it’s difficult to position them into the competitive scene.

Playing the game – even competitively – should still be fun, so I wouldn’t completely ban the specialists and their abilities. But there needs to be some limitations to balance the competitive battlefield.

Things like The Falck’s syringe pistol is not a problem, unless there would be a team  full of them.

There are also some specialists that just wouldn’t fit to the comp play – like the specialist Paik with the EMG-X scanner – what is practically a wall hack. Boris’s turret gun is also quite controversial with automatic spotting. I would put Sundance and her Wingsuit in “gray area” since it gives extremely big movement edge. Same goes for Macay’s Grappling Hook.

I would still like to see some of these fun Specialists and their gadgets in the competitive scene, but we would need to limit the number of powerful specialists and their capabilities.

Testing the setup

We have the first draft of BF2042 Conquest Rules and we are testing how it works. If we get positive results from our initial test we might have a test cup in January 2022. We will publish the draft setup and rules to the community once we have tested if it is viable to play conquest with current state of the game.

PS4 EU T5 Season 1 Knockouts Starts

We have the teams, we have the rosters, we are good to go!

Like I anticipated some of the teams did not provide a roster due the 22nd May deadline or just informed me they are not playing the game anymore. Therefore the brackets for the knockout are a bit peculiar.

Now I want to point out that the BCL system does the match ups, I don’t have any manual control on making them. It just happened that way that LAW is directly in the Final. The other Finalist will have to fight their way into final.

I followed the assumed flow but unfortunately the dropout teams were all the ones supposed to play against LaW! So congratulations LaW for the spot in the T5 Final.

The target is to play the knockouts on the 30th May 2020 and follow that up next weekend 6th June with the Semifinal match and LaW will face their Final opponent on 13th June.


We are certainly living strange times. DICE announced there will be only one update left and then Battlefield V is basically done. This hit the BF community big time. Some of the so far loyal teams have now abandoned the game and BCL, what is creating some additional challenges on the leagues.


Both PS4 EU T8 and T5 leagues are moving forward. T8 is a bit ahead, since I had to hunt down several T5 results before moving to knockouts.


Many of the teams who started the league have dropped out since. We had to do some manual adjustments, for the ones left in the league.

After all the adjustments it ended up in the situation, that there was only one knockout game left LaW vs. GV. The match was just played and it was tight and there was round wins on both sides. We had the luxury of having a proper caster aWildeTime to cast the match live.

Match Spoiler

The First Arras round looked like it’s gonna be an walk in the park for GV. They toon an early double and started draining the LaW tickets slow but steadily. GV was on a lead of 101-14 when LaW put in a new gear and capped all the flags. LaW managed to get a good momentum on the end of the round and they hung in there with just a few tickets for a long time. In the end the ticket difference was a bit too much and GV took the first round home with only 31 tickets left.

LaW’s good momentum continued to the second round of Arras and they took an early tripple, leading into almost 60 ticket lead after just 5 minutes of gameplay. GV managed to get their shit together and narrowed the LaW lead to only about 20 tickets or so, but in the end LaW managed to get it home with 28 tickets and even up the match to 1-1 after the two rounds in the Arras.

Moving into infantry heavy Devastation in thrilling 1-1 draw situation. Devastation started very evenly. No obvious edge on either team. LaW did have a bit of a lead the first half of the round, but through out the mid point GV started grinding the kills and kept a two cap all the way to the end.The first Devastation went to GV with clear numbers 64-0.

The second Devastation was an exhibition match for GV. They took the double A & B cap right from the get go and just kept LaW on C throughout the round. LaW did some good pushes and tried relentlessly on different lines, but GV didn’t have any of that and took it home with solid 126 ticket win.


So we have our Finalists: GV vs. BEGA. The date for the final is not set yet, but when it happens it will be a true thriller. Hoping to get mr WildeTime to cover the final too.


The group phase is finally done. We were missing a lot of results but they are all settled now. It looks like the T5 has lost some teams too. The qualified teams for the Knockouts so far are

  • XceeD Gaming [XcD]
  • Vulcain Esport [FDA]
  • PhalanX Competitive [pXc]
  • We Are The LaW [LaW]
  • M4L eSports [M4L]
  • RuN eSports [RuN]
  • eQual eSport [iQAL]

We would need to all attending teams submit their rosters to #t5-scqs1-roster channel on BCL Discord. Please do so, by the 22nd April, so we can start making the matchups. If there is no roster for a team we are assuming the team is out.

If all teams play, this is the plan

Depending on the attending teams this plan is subject to change.


We are living strange times. COVID19 Pandemia rocks the world and Dice just announced they are ending the support for Battlefield V after the next patch. So no more new seasons, maps or weapons.

Personally I don’t think it’s such a big deal, the patches on BFV has mainly just added more bugs and broke all the working game mechanics and weapon balance. Hopefully by stopping the development they also stop introducing new bugs.


The ongoing T5 and T8 SCQ leagues on PS4 EU are running. On both leagues we have seen many teams quitting. Some quit due to lack of player material while others have suffered from the pandemia. Unfortunately that leaves the rest of us in a bad position with lot’s of forfeits in the matches.


The group phase is over and we are now moving into knockouts. Congrats to group winners Gloria Victis (G1) and We Are The Law. As said earlier 4 teams from both groups moves to the Knockouts.

Since RAG has withdrawn from the league LAW gets a free pass to the semifinals. All the rest of the teams will need to fight for it.

Friday 8th of May 2020 8:00PM (Europe/London) Gloria Victis [GV] vs. TITANs Myrmidons [TT]
Friday 8th of May 2020 8:00PM (Europe/London) Atlas Esport [ATS] vs. complexSimplicity [cS]
Friday 8th of May 2020 8:00PM (Europe/London) BEGA ELITE [BEGA] vs. Polish Legion [PLE]

Submitting the Rosters

Before the knockouts each qualified team must provide their team roster for the rest of the league into BCL Discord #t8-scqs2-roster. The deadline for the roster submission is the Thu 7th April. After the deadline the rosters are locked and cannot be changed.



The T5 league still have some games that are either not played yet or at least the result is not entered to BCL Web.

Group 1

PhalanX Competitive [pXc] vs. BEGA ELITE [BEGA]

Group 2

TITANs Myrmidons [TT] vs. RuN eSports [RuN]
TITANs Myrmidons [TT] vs. eQual eSport [iQAL]
M4L eSports [M4L] vs. RuN eSports [RuN]

Please play/enter the scores for these matches ASAP so we can start the Knockout phase.



Both T8 & T5 SCQ are up and running. The registration for the leagues is closed until we run the next season. We will notify on BCL Discord when new season registrations open.

Qualifying to the Knockouts

After the group phase there will be a knockout phase. In both T5 and T8 there will be four teams per group moving on to the knockout matches. On T8 this means that only 1 team per group will drop. In T5  it’s two teams per group dropping.

Group winner will be matched up with the other groups fourth and second to other groups third and so on. Good placing on the group phase will potentially put you on better position in the knockouts. The knockouts are must win games with 4+1 rounds setup. The winner moves forward and looser drops out.

Match Schedules

Please remember, you have a week to play (7 days) from the suggested day. Please use the “Match Chat” feature on the website for communication so our admins can see your efforts. If match is not played in time the admins can rule it to more active team or make it a draw If the match is not played, both teams miss the opportunity to get the valuable match points.


Each match is scheduled for suggested date & time. Match can be played on scheduled time or teams can agree a different time. The match can be played early or maximum seven days after the suggested time.

Contact between leaders in all league fixtures must be made a minimum of 48 hour prior to time of fixture. This must be via BCL website match chat to ensure messages are monitored for fairness and clarity. Messages from different platforms like FB, PSN, WhatsAPP, Discord, etc are difficult to interpret and can be easily fabricated and used out of context will not be accepted as a proof of agreements.

If the match is not played within the set time the match will be judged by BCL admins based on the communication on the BCL website match chat.


Played this week

Team 1 Result Team 2
Guardians of the Galaxy [GoG] 4 – 0 Sharpshooter platoon [SSP]
MaD Players [MaD] 4 – 0 BEGA ELITE [BEGA]

In the MaD vs. BEGA match BEGA used an unregistered player that resulted to a forfeit. Please make sure each and every player you have in the match is registered to your team on BCL website.

Pending This week

Please remember you have to play these latest on Friday.

Team 1 Team 2
PhalanX Competitive [pXc] XceeD Gaming [XcD]
M4L eSports [M4L] eQual eSport [iQAL]
Red Alert Gaming [RAG] RuN eSports [RuN]

Scheduled for the next week

These are to be played next week, starting on Friday. Remember you can play matches early. They need to be played in 7 days from the scheduled time on Friday.

Team 1 Team 2
Guardians of the Galaxy [GoG] MaD Players [MaD]
BEGA ELITE [BEGA] XceeD Gaming [XcD]
Vulcain Esport [FDA] PhalanX Competitive [pXc]
We Are The LaW [LaW] DivisionSpecOps [DSO]
We Are The LaW [LaW] Red Alert Gaming [RAG]
RuN eSports [RuN] eQual eSport [iQAL]
TITANs Myrmidons [TT] M4L eSports [M4L]


Played this week

Team 1 Result Team 2
We Are The LaW [LaW] 4 – 0 BEGA ELITE [BEGA]
TITANs Myrmidons [TT] 3 – 1 complexSimplicity [cS]

In the TT vs cS match a player in cS was using the banned “Machine Gunner” combat role and they were penalised for it.

Pending this week

There are two pending matches, that should be played latest Thursday (the 7 day rule).

Team 1 Team 2
DivisionSpecOps [DSO] Red Alert Gaming [RAG]
Gloria Victis [GV] Polish Legion [PLE]

Scheduled  for next the week

Team 1 Team 2
DivisionSpecOps [DSO] Atlas Esport [ATS]
Red Alert Gaming [RAG] Gloria Victis [GV]
BEGA ELITE [BEGA] complexSimplicity [cS]


PS4 EU T5 and T8 SCQ leagues has started

We got the fixtures done on the 4th or March 2020 and the league kicked of on Friday 6th of March. First matches has already been played. It’s looking good!

Rounds and points

In the group phase all teams in a group plays against each other. We play the group matches in straight 4 rounds mode. This means that you enter only for 4 rounds into system. The match can end up in a 2-2 draw. That’s totally ok, since in the group phase you are playing for the points and position in the league. You can play the decider if you want, but it will not be recorded on the site – there is room just for the first 4 rounds. So there are 4 points available to grab in each match.

Further on in the knockout and finals we must have a clear winner on each match. That’s where the decider round comes in the play. Later phases are player in 4+1 rounds mode. Rules explains it quite well

Playing the Match

The match contains 4 + 1 rounds, two rounds (both sides) in both selected maps. Each team selects one map. Points are counted per round, round winner is rewarded with one point. The match winner is the team with more points after 4 rounds. If after 4 rounds the score is 2-2 the teams play a tiebreaker map.

The tiebreaker is weekly (changing on Mondays) rotating map that is found on BCL Discord #announcements channel. The weekly tiebreaker map cannot be selected on that week as the team map by either of the playing teams. The tiebreaker map is booked at the time the match maps are picked, regardless of the match date. It doesn’t matter if the match is scheduled for next week and there is a new decider map.

Entering the results

The result of a match is entered into BCL web site. The result page opens only after the match time on site has passed. So if you change the game date make sure it’s correct on the site. When the match is played you can enter the results on site.

On the group phase the site asks results for 4 legs. A leg is a round in the match. You are expected to enter tickets for both teams for each of the 4 rounds. On the Group phase we only play 4 rounds. On the knockout phase and onwards we add the decider round to the mix since every match has to have a clear winner.


We’ve got many questions regarding the rosters. The rules say about the rosters


During the first phase of the league or in the Ladder teams is allowed to add new players into team roster. If a new player has played in another team  in the same league/ladder there is a cool down period of 14 days, before he/she can play for another team.


On the later phases of the league the team’s playing roster is frozen. Each teams leader must submit a list on their players to corresponding Discord channel

T5 #t5-scqs1-roster max 15 players per team
T8 #t8-scqs2-roster max 20 players per team

This means that in the group phase of a league all players registered for your team on BCL web site are allowed to play and you can add new players too – as long as they are not jumping from another team playing in the same league. After the group phase starts the knockout phase. Before playing the first knockout game, teams must submit the roster for the rest of the matches in the league. Only these submitted players can play for the rest of the league. No new players allowed.

We have a roster feature on the site and we started with that turned on. Unfortunately it was a bit bugged and required the roster to be submitted from the start. It also required all 15/20 players entered, while it was meant to be the MAX number you can enter. If that is not fixed but the time of knockouts we will use discord submissions, as originally planned.

The fact that some teams has submitted a roster and that’s visible on the league page caused a bit confusion – but no worries you don’t need to submit a roster yet – all players registered for your team are eligible to play.


I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing the rules. PLEASE read the latest 1.0 edition of the rules – not a copy you made then the test rules 0.1 , but the current rules on the BCL web site

If your team breaks the rules there will be punishment. There is no point arguing “I didn’t know” or “it was not on purpose” breaking the rules means penalty – it wouldn’t be fair any other way.

If in your match there is a rule violation, please enter the score first and after that make an official dispute on the site. We need the score to calculate the penalties.


Leagues are starting

The SCQ EU PS4 T5 & T8 are starting next weekend 6th March 2020.

The ladders have been running for quite a while already. The registration for leagues have also been open. We are requiring Ladder matches to be eligible to attend the Leagues. The idea behind all this is to get a grip of the level each team is playing. Also it’s important to see the teams are actually alive and playing to  minimise the hassle caused by dropouts.

During the group phase teams are still allowed to add new members to the roster, but when the knockouts starts the team roster will be locked. Please read the rules for more information.

SCQ T5 Season 1 League

We have 15 teams registered to the league. Unfortunately only iQAL, RuN and LaW has played the required minimum 3 ladder matches. Since the league would be quite short with only three teams we are letting all the teams in who has at least one Ladder match done. We are also negotiating with the leaders of the teams who has not played any Ladder matches for a way for them to prove their eligibility. The target is to get as many teams in as possible.

Please be patient, your fixtures will be published by Thursday next week. It will be done as soon as we have finalised the attending teams.

We are trying to get the league started next weekend (6th March). Please refer to league rules regarding arranging the match and suggested time. Get your team ready to play next weekend!

SCQ T8 Season 2 League

We have 9 teams registered into league, but none of them has played any T8 Ladder matches. We will get the teams who has played in T5 Ladders in and we will negotiate with the other teams trying to confirm they are still active. That’s probably the easiest way to get T8 going by next weekend (7th March) too.

If you are a team leader of a team registered to the T8, but you are not in BCL Discord – please contact me @Jamppu_Fi#4051 on Discord to confirm your team.

Teams that I cannot confirm by 3rd March 2020 will be dropped from the League.


The rules has reached the 1.0 state. This means that we are freezing the rules for the leagues. Unless there is something seriously wrong in the rules we will not touch the rules until the league group phase is done.

As final change to the rules we added a few lines into server settings regarding the server responsibility and correct server settings.

The Home team (the team mentioned first in the fixture) is responsible of arranging the server – unless teams together agree otherwise. The opposing team is responsible of checking the server settings before the match. The match can’t be disputed for incorrect server settings after it has been played.

During the league phase there has been couple of changes in the rules. All announced in the BCL Discord the  but you should read the rules one more time before the leagues start, just to be on the safe side!