Whats coming to Battlefield V in 2019

The Battlefield V is by no means a perfect game – far from it. It’s not particularly old game, but there has been so much hassle around it, that it really feels like we have had BFV for ages!

It’s still difficult to understand what happened on the release of the Battlefield V. After the game was out Dice withdrew themselves totally into their shell and it felt like they didn’t listen at all what we – the players – really wanted from the game. They just blindly pushed what they felt was right and ignored everything else. Now half a year later Dice finally brings in lot’s of the missing content – the content players would have liked to see in the game ages ago.

On march 2019 Dice made a strong commitment by publishing the roadmap for the rest of the year. It was great news, but one issue Dice has had for a long time is the communications strategy. There has been couple of versions of the roadmap and more detailed information is scattered around different media and to be honest, its sometimes impossible to follow, what is really happening!

We at BCL want to help. Here is a recap of the 2019 roadmap and some background info of the different steps.