Here we are once again with the latest news on what’s going on in the BCL. It’s been a busy week for us here and we have much to tell you about.


First and foremost we have a new member of our Discord and Site admin team. We are very happy to welcome SnP_Pelka into our team. Pelka as been largely responsible for the influx of Polish teams within the BCL community. He has been playing within the BCL since BF4 starting out in Task Force 77 [TF77] and as been playing competitive games with us ever since. He has a real passion for Battlefield which shines through. Not only does he put in a massive effort running the SnP cup compositions but has also gone to great lengths translating BCL rules and information. He has  also encouraged other Polish teams within the Battlefield competitive scene to join the BCL.

SnP_Pelka we thank and Salute you.


To accommodate the Polish invasion we have set up a new Europe section in the BCL discord that now has two new channels with a new role Pl with permissions for these channels.

  • Poland – This is for Polish speaking registered players to chat and in the polish language and letters. hopefully this will aid the many polish become more involved and find things a little easier.
  • Ogloszenia – This is an Announcements channel so our Polish friends will find it a littler easier to keep informed.

We are also aware there are teams of other non English speaking nations within the BCL we will be also looking for admin from other languages to aid with the teams sharing their first language.



Sunday the 26th saw our first community event of BFV. Thank you to all those who put in an appearance hope you had fun. We saw many of the xGRx guys we had about 12 EAD over the evening and saw MaD, OPT1 and Pelka in there over the evening. We will be running more of these types of things over the course of BFV which will be moved onto private servers when they arrive after the summer. Please share with us any ideas of fun community events we can put on. Now lets see that footage of people killing Al_Sawyer for everyone to laugh at. Sorry if we have missed anyone who attended and thank you to those who informed us they wanted to come, but were unable due to other commitments.


Monday 20th May 2019 7:00 PM (Europe/London)
SEAL ESPORTS [SEAL]  2 – 0  Flyswatters [FWS]

Monday 20th May 2019 8:00 PM (Europe/London)
Polish Legion [PLE]  0 – 2  4 Players [4p]

Monday 20th May 2019 9:00 PM (Europe/London)
Overusing tryhard power [OPT1] 1 – 1  Guardians of the Galaxy [GoG]

Wednesday 22nd May 2019 7:00 PM (Europe/London)
Band of Brothers [101]  0 – 2  Flyswatters [FWS]

Wednesday 22nd May 2019 8:35 PM (Europe/London)
Delta Force Elite [DFE]  2 – 1 Guardians of the Galaxy [GoG]

Thursday 23rd of May 2019 8:30 PM (London/Europe)
United Gamers Clan [UgC]  0 – 2  Velocity [vL]

This week has seen a reduced number of games played on the ladder in part due to a few site issues with making challenges. These have been raised with the IT department and should hopefully be resolved soon. We were advising teams to play and update this information afterwards. It has however come to our attention that on more than one occasion these agreements between teams have since been refused to be honored by loosing teams. This is not the kind of unsporting behavior we are looking for within the BCL and find this disappointing. Therefore we have now changed our stance on this and advise teams not to play a challenge until agreed and accepted on site.

T8 SCQ League Divisions

With only 3 more days left until the 30th we are seeing that the message is starting to finally get through to most teams with regard to qualification criteria. Be sure to make of the most of the time left to qualify and establish division positions. The Divisions will be set on Friday the 31st of May. We will allow until Sunday the 2nd of June for teams to request a swap of division with another team. We are only doing this for this first season as the whole ladder system of qualifying is still new and needs time to settle. This will not be an option for any future seasons. The Fixtures will then be Generated and live on site on Monday the 3rd of June.

Fixtures as in previous battlefield games will be suggested times and dates with teams having 7 days from the date and time suggested to honor these fixtures. As before Admin will make a decision on any fixtures not posted within this 7 day period by looking for the most active and reasonable team within the fixture chat on site.


In BF1 we had many games live streamed with commentary. This is something we are looking to do once again. At present we have a small team of 4 confirmed streamers. We would like to take this opportunity to ask for anybody interested in becoming a member of the in house BCL stream team or anyone wanting to commentate and stream via their own channels to come forward. At present the latest update to BFv appears to have broken spectator mode, but when this resolved you can expect to find many matches lived streamed.

Until next time see you on the Battlefield.