BF2042 Competitive Conquest

Conquest game mode is Battlefield at its best. We want to bring this classic game mode back to the competitive community. It’s not as straightforward as one might think! We need to tweak some things and adjust additional rules to create a fluent gaming experience for smaller competitive matches.


Portal as a concept is excellent addition to the franchise. It gives great new tools for event organisers to create competitive game modes. Disabling assets from the server side creates excellent base for competitive gaming.

Unfortunately there are still several things Portal is lacking. Largest caveats from competitive point of view are

  • Lack of proper admin features when a server is up
    • Can’t move players
    • Can’t switch sides
  • No Spectatror mode (for live casting)
  • On the Map rotation RU & US sides are fixedon server is fixed – Teams are always playing the same side of the map – unless the opposing team starts the server
  • Can’t limit the specialist count per side
  • Joining a server as a larger team is tricky (a squad of 4 can join)


The maps of BF2042 are huge. In portal you can use Conquest Small maps, but they are still big as they are designed for 64 players and the distances between the capture points are quite remarkable.

To keep the action going with lower player counts we would need to limit the number of flags the teams are fighting for. On some maps it would be possible to set a “home sector” for both teams. The home sector would be a dedicated sector for a team to capture in the beginning of the round.

For example, in Caspian Border the US team’s home sector could be the A sector (with only one flag A1). The opposing team is not allowed to capture this home sector that is acting as the base for the US team.

This way the fight would be concentrated in relatively small area around the three open flags.



Walking away from the good old classes is a huge change from any previous Battlefield game. While many of the new specialists are fun and innovative it’s difficult to position them into the competitive scene.

Playing the game – even competitively – should still be fun, so I wouldn’t completely ban the specialists and their abilities. But there needs to be some limitations to balance the competitive battlefield.

Things like The Falck’s syringe pistol is not a problem, unless there would be a team  full of them.

There are also some specialists that just wouldn’t fit to the comp play – like the specialist Paik with the EMG-X scanner – what is practically a wall hack. Boris’s turret gun is also quite controversial with automatic spotting. I would put Sundance and her Wingsuit in “gray area” since it gives extremely big movement edge. Same goes for Macay’s Grappling Hook.

I would still like to see some of these fun Specialists and their gadgets in the competitive scene, but we would need to limit the number of powerful specialists and their capabilities.

Testing the setup

We have the first draft of BF2042 Conquest Rules and we are testing how it works. If we get positive results from our initial test we might have a test cup in January 2022. We will publish the draft setup and rules to the community once we have tested if it is viable to play conquest with current state of the game.

THE BETA | Feedback from the competitive community!

“I’m glad they’re nerfing the movement because it was literally Apex Legends.”

Now that the dust has settled on the Beta, the full Battlefield 2042 game is set to release on the 19th of November after previously being delayed by EA and DICE. Players were given a chance to test out the new game for several days and the results were…mixed.

We were left wondering, what do competitive players and members of the Battlefield community think about it? We asked high profile players such as MaxiqYT, Jordy1-1 and Catalyst_HD, as well as head of Battlefield Nations (BFN) Maple and others, for their thoughts – and here’s their feedback.

MaxiqYT – “I 100% see the potential in the game, watching back I can see the BF3/4 vibes. Gunplay was extremely satisfying and brought some skill to the game in combination with the movement, although the movement could feel a little clunky at times. Vehicle gameplay was a fun experience but looked a little basic and I am not sure if it will be balanced. I am not 100% sure if they should add the AI in the game, I can see their idea behind it but some servers were packed with AI which takes away the satisfaction and the point of playing a ”multiplayer” game. Performance, both for console and PC, could be improved massively. Hitreg wasn’t the greatest because of this. Game needs some polishing but that is what the beta is for I guess.”

Jordy1-1 – “Gunplay is excellent and solid, although more recoil could be added to make guns feel different. All the weapons feel the same and don’t have that much “personality” to them. Hitreg is extremely inconsistent and controller settings were garbage, although I’d expect this to be different in the main game. Movement is good and adds another element to learn and master for both competitive and public games. Action on flags are enjoyable and a lot better compared to BFV, though downtime between flags is way too long. Vehicles are fun to use, but this depends on whether you are an infantry main or a vehicle main. On screen UI is good but scoreboard features and the ability to easily pick and choose what squad you want to join are both missing. AI Bots are literally terrible and make the game not as satisfying when being on long streaks.”

Catalyst_HD – “Well, it was definitely a beta. On PC we had some mouse input issues where we basically were given aim acceleration because it was emulating a controller. Directional footstep audio was broken. Hit registration was clearly not working correctly. Optimization was poor across the board for all types of hardware. The ‘128 players’ gimmick does not work, too many players resulting in weird map flow, zerg rush rotations and massive unpredictable gunfights. I never had so many deaths that felt out of my control. It was made for casual players to come home after their 9-5 and mindlessly run around and shoot things and our mechanical skill as elite players just gets overwhelmed by the sheer amount of RNG that you have to account for with the player size – which is fine, Battlefield is a casual game, it’s just not something I enjoyed. You could make the same game, specialists and all, make it 64 players, and have a better flowing game without a lot of the technical issues of hosting 128 players. Movement was great and the gunplay felt good. I think Portal and small game modes are going to be really good, because you have the good movement and gunplay with better performing servers and optimization. I think the latter is where a lot of people are going to find their fun in 2042.”

BFN Maple – “From a competitive aspect, grappling seems OP but it’s really good for pushing/ptfo.”

Ash_BF – “The game has potential but the beta experience was poor on the whole. Too many bots. Gunplay was laggy but showed promise with better servers. Glad they are nerfing the movement because it was literally Apex Legends. Got bored very quickly of that one map even though it was huge. I literally went to the B building and the two D flags. Would like to play some game modes other than conquest, rush or other pushing game modes would be better to play where the whole lobby actually has to be somewhere rather than lying in random hills.”

CustormzYT – “It gave me a glimpse of hope for the next instalment of the franchise. Certain aspects were unpolished (as expected from a beta) but generally the game felt like an improvement from BFV. I knew instantly as soon as I spawned into the map that this game was better.”

Wheate90 – “Was it terrible? No. It was unpolished but no worse than BF4 at launch. I absolutely hate the specialists and the direction the game is taking but the movement is good and the gun play will also be good.”

Balllista_TTV – “The movement and gunplay was good in the beta but I felt the map let it down. Aim assist was really strange, I didn’t notice any slowdown but I noticed I had autorotation and snap aim assist.”

NotPaaz – “The movement was so fun, I could slide and jump around and do aim flicks…recoil looks easy and I like that but lag and frame drops were a very bad issue on PS4.”

Knickkopf_ – “Beta was cool and fresh when you’ve played BFV for over 2 years but there is a lot to do and when you think that [DICE] delayed the release, you should be worried.”

ALPHA_______Evo – “It’s good but the vehicles were super strong. Gun play and movement was excellent  but it was overshadowed by how large and s**t the map was.”

tribE_Aimerazor – “Aiming acceleration gun play was bad, didn’t really feel like a BF. I hope for smaller modes. I didn’t enjoy the big map and conquest.”

B4ws_L4urens – “The beta was underwhelming, a lot of inconsistencies that just didn’t feel good.”

Cola – “I really like the gun play (recoil should be a bit more) and the movement but I don’t like this special stuff like the robot dog and the new operator, it’s like Apex [Legends]. I hope for more small maps, like in the Beta they’re too big even for T64.”

The sheer range of feedback is clear – from gameplay mechanics to performance, some felt ‘let down’ by the Beta whilst others felt encouraged by what they saw and are looking forward to the game’s development further down the road.

What do you think?

Let us know on our social medias!

Thank you for reading.